SOCIETY#21 SLOG: The World turns Multicolour… We save the World.

“Greenness” to save Planet’s Health.

The planet is green; and blue, and yellow, and brown, and white and black… and all colours combined. The World is multicolor, to the human eye.

“Save the Planet” is multicolour. Save the Planet is just. Care for the Planet is just; and it is the way we turn the World into “Green”, with just.

This is a time when political systems, society models, geopolitical power games, financial models, race to conquer a slice of Space, are all matters at play at the very same time our Planet goes for a health check.

How much attention do we pay to our Planet’s health check?

Does the Planet need a health check?
Who decides that?
Who undertakes the Planet’s health check?
Who is the doctor we can trust?
Who appoints a doctor the Planet can trust?
And where is that doctor?… in the open?; in a box?… in Antarctica with a friendly satellite to connect her or him to the green game’s decision makers?, or at the COP-appointment?

We seem to have a doctor…
Who decides what the prescription is for our Planet’s health.

We all feel the Planet needs help. We all take this seriously.

Where is the evidence that justifies the prescription chosen by the appointed doctor is right or complete for the Planet?

Do we have a precedence? We may, we just don’t have the data to uncover such past in sufficient detail for our science to declare what the exact right antidote to potential Earth’s health degradation is. Are we now collecting all the data required to diagnose the Planet’s Health? Is that data made available to the doctor?

Everything is going to be all right: we unite the world, the doctors, for hundreds of minutes… not hours, or days, or years… just lots of minutes. We unite a bunch of people with high interest in… the Earth’s health, of course!. And we even listen to what they say before and after their unity is physically disolved, and until the next time they decide to unite their physical forms. For they tell us what the prescription is, to turn the Planet green… and we interpret this as the way to save the Planet’s health. Green is Health. And we believe.

So we all get an answer to solve the issue we all care about and take seriously.

So we decide to align as individuals, as we are no expert, no doctor in Earth’s health, no relevant historic data holders, no geopolitical gamers, no social model imposers, no Antarctica gurus… we align and we get determined to contribute to implement the prescription. Only that the prescription seems to be imposed on us directly.

Nevertheless, we, as citizens of the world, will do our best for it… in between COP-appointments.

And when we see the doctor, and the majority who appointed her or him, and the majority who supported her or him, when we see them deviating from the prescription’s course in between appointments… we stop and think:

‘did we understand what the doctor said?’,
‘did we get the prescription wrong?’,
‘did the doctor prescribed something for the Planet, or for us?’,
‘and if just for us, is “us” everyone?’.

And we think it must be for everyone, a prescription imposed on everyone, for the Earth’s health sake. So we believe.

The moment every human being on the Planet believes and abides to a just prescription, and to the journey of just prescriptions in between COP-appointments, when everyone abides we start our trial to try save our Planet’s health, appointment by appointment, COP by COP, prescription by prescription.

COPbyCOP, we will check how the just prescription worked, how our patient’s condition evolved; we will modify it as necessary, so that few COP-appointments later, we would have got it right.

And only then, we would start acting on what would matter to return “Greenness” to the world, Health to the Planet, and Wellness to all its inhabitants, humans included.

We then set all, Planet and People, on a great health track.
We take the appointments seriously for just one purpose, that is multicolour, that saves our Planet’s health. The just prescription that turns green into multicolour health for the Planet.

and we change the world


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