SOCIETY#21 SLOG: Connect the Disconnected World

Disconnected Connections add
To disconnected connections’ friends
While the rest of humanity watches
The connections made and made again
Far away the main.

In between interest.
In between people.
In between traders’
In between friends
Of the past, present, for the future of friends.

Connected friends.
Making connections
To disconnect from the rest.
As connections matter
The most for friends
Of shared interest.
Where there is a trend
That links the best brains
Towards a common gain
For the connectors of chains
Of disconnected chains
To reign
Over the Chain.

Chains make the world.
Make the world be great.
Chains are the ones,
That make the world ashtray

For the world is formed
Of disconnected friends,
That connect as connectors
In between their interested selfs,
With the selfs of interest
In their common connected world.

A world of connections.
Between friends.
Who are just wikipedia elms.
Friends for wikipedia’s definition of their world.

A world of connections,
Between humans of great
Values and Traits.
And shared interested as well.
Sharing the willingness to protect their loves ones
And themselves,
So their loved ones are always great,
And connected forever end.

Disconnected families,
Of connected friends.
Friends of care and values.
Friends of interest care.
All, friends of connecting,
While staying disconnected at the end.

Connect the world.
Connect the people.
To shared interests
Of unbiased gains.
For humanity’s sake.
Selective sharing
Benefits all who believe in care.

Let’s connect
The disconnected world.
In one Chain.
A single one.
For humanity’s sake.

And we change the world


Photograph by Luis Benito, Busan, May 2021.

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